
Childrens Church

Children ages 3 - 5 (pre-kindergarten) are welcome to come to Children's Church during the morning service to hear a short Bible lesson and then participate in activities and crafts that enhance the lesson. Children's Church meets in the church basement after the morning prayer during the regular morning service. We use Show Me Jesus Preschool lessons and meet Sunday morning September through May. We have our own "Church" experience including story time, offering gifts, and a time of prayer. Afterward we have a very informal time of doing activities with each other. Parents meet their children after each classtime and have the privilege of hearing all about the story and crafts we have done.

Sunday School

Show Me Jesus materials teach stories and truths from the Bible as understood by children in this age group. Children in K - 6th grade attend Sunday School after the morning service at 10:50 a.m. These classes start August 30 and go through April, with a break in December.

GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) - Girls Group

The mission of GEMS Girls Clubs is to help bring girls into a living dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.

Prinsburg GEMS Club is for 2nd - 8th grade girls, who meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night of the month from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at Unity CRC in Prinsburg. To learn all that's going on at club this year or to have your daughter(s) join us, learn more on their blog:

Cadets - Boys Group

The Calvinist Cadet Corps is an independent (non-denominational) youth ministry organization whose purpose is to provide the local church with a ministry program that will enable them to effectively share Christ's love with boys from their church and community. Founded in 1952, the Corps has more than 600 clubs throughout North America. The organization uses the title "Calvinist" to honor the Protestant reformer, John Calvin, who devoted his life to the religious education of God's children.

The basis of the Calvinist Cadet Corps is the Word of God (the Bible) according to the concept of the same as expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession.

In practical application of these beliefs:

1. God is revealed in His Word ~ The cadeting ministry encourages studying the Bible as the guide to life.

2. God is revealed in nature ~ The cadeting ministry encourages experiencing the presence of the Lord in His glorious creation. Learning the skills of an outdoorsman builds a boy's character. Developing a boy's understanding of his place in God's world helps him to be a faithful steward.

3. Men as God's servants ~ The Calvinist Cadet Corps is the ministry of men of God who are dedicated to bringing boys into a living relationship with their Lord and Savior. These men, understanding their imperfection, hold on to the promise that the Lord will bless their prayers, their example, and their instruction if they rely on God's strength.

The goal of cadeting, Luke 2:52, states that "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." The goal of the Calvinist Cadet Corps, based upon that verse, is to help boys to grow spiritually in all areas of life (devotional, mental, physical, and social) by providing Christian men with a uniquely designed structure, program, and materials so that they can mentor boys effectively.

Cadets meet the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at First CRC in Prinsburg from September through April for boys in 2nd to 8th grade.